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An integral part of the event are professional seminars and workshops, which are constructed on the basis of the current development of the publishing industry.

 These programs were unified into the Professional Forum format, for the first time in 2019, which offered a continuous four-day professional programme, always oriented to a certain professional group - publishers, translators, authors, librarians, etc. The programme intention is to popularize the production of university publishers in cooperation with major educational institutions in Czech Republic. Public discussion makes it possible to highlight various problems of Czech publishing sector. Extensive cooperation in the creation and implementation of the accompanying programme helps to raise the profile of the work of writers, the work of translators and important literary personalities, and the activities of publishing houses in the national and international context. Important cultural and scientific institutions are partners and supporters of the organizer of Book World Prague every year.

In 2019, Book World Prague joined the international ALDUS platform, thanks to which the possibility of mutual cooperation and promotion at the European level expanded significantly.