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Serhij Žadan

This leading Ukrainian author was born in Starobilsk in the Luhansk Oblast of Ukraine. In addition to his literary activity, he performs as a singer with Zhadan i Sobaky and organizes cultural events. He has lived in Kharkiv since his studies and did not leave the town even when the Russian army got there. His works won numerous prestigious awards. In 2015, he won the ANGELUS Central European Literature Award for his novel Mezopotamia (2014), and the German translation of his novel Internat won the 2018 Leipzig Book Fair Prize. In the autumn of 2022, Zhadan received Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels not only for his “exceptional work of art” but also for “his humanitarian approach”. Last year, he also received the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought. His works published in Czech include a poetry collection Istorij kultury počatku stolittja (The History of Culture at the Beginning of This Century, 2003, Czech edition: 2013) and a short story collection Big Mak (Big Mac, 2003, Czech edition: 2011).

 Serhij Žadan